Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My seventh grade year has been... interesting. I love the girls in my grade! They are so awesome! In middle school, everyone has their fair share of drama, friendships, broken friendships, and plenty of gossip! All girls love gossip! Let's not deny it. There has been many ups and downs this year. But to be honest, most of this year is such a blur! I can barely remember anything! This year, compared to last year, has been very boring. I think many of yall would agree with me. Maybe it is because we could run around like crazy apes last year, and we could do whatever we wanted to, and this year we actually have to work, and there are.... sixth graders.
One down this year is that we have had a few bad teachers. Two or three in particular. I think you might know who I am talking about. First of all, one of the teachers doesn't understand why they're are so many complaints about them, when they scream at us pretty much every day! Things have gotten better towards the end of the year because they resigned to come back next year, and they want to get out of here. An example of why this teacher is close to Satan is because they call my class "dumb blondes" when we really don't understand! Plus, some of us aren't even blonde! The bad thing is, they don't even think they are doing anything wrong! They think WE are the problem! What the heck? There is only two weeks of school left, so I don't need to worry about it. I just wish they were a little nicer to everyone. Too bad wishes don't always come true because it looks like that won't be happening any time soon.
On the other hand, there is some good things about this year! One thing is, I've made a few good friends this year. Most of the girls that I couldn't stand last year, or they couldn't stand me, are all my friends this year! It is always good to make friends, and when you have most of your classes with all girls, it is nice to actually be friends with those girls. These girls are awesome! It is a good support group. I can come to school and be super excited about something, and I can tell them what's up, and they will be just as excited as me! Also, on the days where I've had a rough night, the night before, they are there to encourage me. I love them very much. They're also hilarious, especially Mia! She is so funny. Sometimes she has no clue what is going on and it cracks me up. Also Gracen, she is awesome. "Fillin' in a window!":) They are great! Even though some of them won't be back next year, I've made some great friends this year. I will miss all of you next year! I love you Meagan, Audrey, Kristin, Hannah, Gracen, Mia, Helana, Miranda, Shelby, and Ashley! And of course I haven't forgot, I love you too Mrs. Anzures! My Grammar Girls are awesome!
Another negative thing about this year is THE SIXTH GRADERS! Yes, I know that I was a sixth grader last year, but this year is different! They are so obnoxious! I will come out out of a class and they are yelling and being spazzes! I call them a 'swarm' because they are everywhere! They are like fleas crawling everywhere and they are just irritating! The sixth grade lockers are in the middle of the hall so they block that entire section of the hall, which i just happen to have to go through to get to all my classes. All of them are immature, some more than others, but out of all of them I like one or two- tops. There is so much drama with them, it is unreal. It is even worse than last year, believe it or not. It is so retarded. They are ru-tards. Geeze! I can't wait until next year, MY FINAL YEAR IN MIDDLE SCHOOL! Then I can at least have a little break from them, and hopefully they will mature a little before they get to high school. The unfortunate part about next year though, is there is incoming sixth graders. There are the sixth graders this year, and they really irritate me, but not like these. OH MY GOODNESS! It's twice as bad as this years sixth graders. I will just have to pop them upside their heads if they think they can get away with hanging out with the eighth graders. No. They are not allowed to speak. Haha! Oh well, it is just one year. I will just ignore them.
Let's not be so negative though, there are still some good things. My best friends Maddie and Hannah are awesome. I had a rough time at the beginning of the year, and they were there for me the entire time. Not to leave out anyone else who helped me, by the way. At the beginning of the year, I had some trouble at home, and other things that are kind of personal,but Maddie and Hannah were there through it all. I was so negative and always depressed, and they didn't give up on me. I hope they are always there for me through hard times. I know I haven't been the best friend that I could be, and I want to work on that. I just really appreciate having friends like that there for me. I already wrote about having good friends, and they are great examples of a good friend. Of course we had our ups and downs, but mostly ups I would say! They have been my best friends since last year, and I hope they will in the future. It is easy for Hannah and I because we've been inseperable and we are in the same grade and we will graduate together, but Maddie is a year older than me and she is going to high school next year. I have a friend who is a freshman this year, and don't get me wrong, we are still good friends, but we were better friends last year when she was in middle school. I just don't want to lose these friends. They are awesome and I love them so much. I am going to work my hardest to keep them close, as best I can.
There is one thing on my mind, I've already written about it, but I am wondering something. Why is it that someone can have something, and then the next day someone else has to go out and buy the same exact thing? Is everyone trying to be 'cool'? To be completely honest, it is really annoying. BE YOURSELF! I don't understand why people are so stereotype. I hate it when everyone is the exact same. God made us all different, with different talents, and we all look different. One day, or another, everyone has to except that. Middle school girls are so self conscious, I am too, don't get me wrong, but we all need to except who we are. We are all unique and should not want to be like everyone else. I know I am very different from everyone else, and I like it that way. Stop buying the same shoes, or do your hair exactly like someone else. Let them keep their personal style, and be themselves, and you be your own person. I really want to get this across! Girls say they are struggling with it, and they want to make it better. If that is the case and you really want to change, then how come I still see people getting the same stuff as other people?? This kinda stuff happened regularly in elementary school, it is normal. We are almost in EIGHTH GRADE! You should be figuring out who you are by now. Once we get to high school, I can assure you, it will probably not be tollerated. It gets really annoying, especially now. Find yourself.
The last good thing that I am going to write about is about my sister, Meagan. Well we are practically sisters. I've known her since the summer of 5th grade. She was the first person I knew here at NBCA. She lives in my neighborhood, and I can walk to her house in less than five minutes. Next year, she is going to Oak Run and I am staying at NBCA. I am going to miss her so much! We have gone through fights, breakups, and so much fun together. The good thing is that we can still hang out next year, but things won't be the same. It is our last year of middle school and she won't be here. She has been here since she was three years old, so I can understand her wanting to leave, but I'm still gonna miss her the most. We have so many great memories together. We have a dance to Ice Ice baby, we have had multiple spas, and had many interesting nights at the movies. She knows what I am talking about. I love Meagan Edge so much!
Seventh grade has had its ups and its downs. I personally liked sixth grade better, but I sure am going to miss this year and all the friends I've made. Next year is my last year of middle school and I think it is going to go by really fast. I know this year has gone by quickly. It is so weird because just last year was my very first year of middle school, and I'm already going to be starting up my last year in the fall, then I will be in high school! It is just so weird. Time is flying by. We should all enjoy it while it lasts though. I will miss my friends who are leaving, but I hope I make new friends next year. I love all my grammar girls, and I hope yall all do well next year at the different schools you are going to. Thank you for making this year fun!

Something very important to me is friends. But there is one specific friend that I love very much. My very best friend, practically my sister, Hannah Baker. We've been best friends since the sixth grade, last year. She has helped me with just about everything. Everyone needs a best friend, especially in middle school. People think we are freaks, well, we are, but at least we are ourselves. I love her so much. I think I would be highly depressed if she died. See, when we grow up in a few years, we decided we are going to rule the ocean and be mermaids. We got married last summer, and since then we've had just a few divorces. Things are going well right now. I am going to buy her a huge bird this summer and get it a giant cage. When we are older, after we retire from ruling the sea, we are going to get all of our money from Hannah's plan on being an obese Victoria's Secret model. The cash will come rolling in. I think we are pretty fun people to hang out with, we like to have a good time! WE LIKE TO PARTY! I hope were friends for a long time:)

Monday, May 17, 2010

My favorite show is Gossip Girl!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Everyone has their quiet place. Some people go to a park. Some people go to a quiet room in a house, but everyone has a quiet place they like to go to. Personally, my quiet place is my room. Sometimes, my quiet place is taking a walk all by myself, but everyone has a quiet place.
There are many different reasons to have a quiet place. Some people's parents don't get along, and there is a lot of yelling and fighting in their homes. Sometimes you just got to let off some steam. I know whenever I have trouble at home I either go in my room and shut the door, or go on a walk just to get my thoughts put together. Some people like reading, so you might find a nice, quiet bench in a park by a tree. Everyone has their own reasons, but everyone has a quiet place.
I know that sometimes you just feel like screaming, I hope I am not the only one. If you ever feel like that, go to your quiet place. Life is not always great, I'm sure you have figured that out. If your in your quiet place and someone is with you, most likely your not in a quiet place. Be all by yourself, and think. If there is mess going on in your house, think before you speak. Shake it off, think about what you want to say and then go to someone you can talk to. It's always good to vent about how your feeling. It is not good to keep it bottled up inside. Your quiet place can be used for multiple reasons.
The quiet place you have, may not always be for you alone. Sometimes it is a place you can talk to your best friend. All of us, I'm sure, have a best friend. My best friend is Hannah Baker, I can tell her anything! It could be about a problem I'm having, a boy, drama, gossip, anything! We all need a friend like that, so the perfect place to talk to them, without interruptions, is a quiet place you go to regularly. But once again, everyone has a quiet place.
If your ever in your quiet place, but you don't know why your there, (which happens sometimes), then take something with you. Go outside and draw a picture of what you see. Take your music and relax. Sit there and do absolutely nothing, whatever floats your boat. You could write a song. If i had nothing to do and nobody was watching, I would sing to the animals and pretend I was a princess like in the Disney movies. Quiet places are used to think, relax, and breath. But everybody has a quiet place.
1. Who has pictures of themselves on their blogs?
Hannah Baker, Katelyn Abraham, Shelby Leckrone, Michael Page, and Audrey Jonas have pictures of themselves on their blogs.
2. Who wrote, "I am working towards a better walk with God and trusting Him will help me to trust others again too," on her blog?
Kristin Hazel wrote this on her blog.
3. Who learned contemporary dance this year?
Hannah baker learned contemporary dance this year.
4. "To live this life I need a heartbeat. To have a heartbeat I need a heart. To have heart I need happiness. To have happiness I need you." Whose blog shares these heartfelt words?
Shelby Leckrone has this quote on her blog.
5. How many blogs have posted polls? Of the polls that have been posted, which is your favorite?
7 people have polls on their blog, and I liked Mia's poll the best, about ice cream.

Monday, May 10, 2010

1. Whose blog has a Beatles header?
Anna Marie has a Beatles header.
2. Who wrote about influences?
Helana Anzures wrote about influences
3. Who has a summer count down clock posted on their blog? Hint: There's more than one.
Mrs. Anzures, Hannah Head, and Audrey Jonas has a summer count down post on their blog.
4. Who is going to own who on the basketball court?
Hunter and Roger are going to own each other.
5. Who has been to Cancun?
Michael Page has been to Cancun.
6. Who has a cousin that plays in the NFL?
Ben Snoga has a cousin that plays in the NFL.
7. Who is flyguy899?
Arthur Johnson is flyguy899.
8. How many blog pages have PacMan available to play?
I only saw two blog pages with PacMan available to play.
9. Who has movie trailers available for viewing at the click of a the mouse?
You can view movie trailers on Anna Marie's blog.
10. Whose blog title is a "Sound of Music" song?
My blog title is a "Sound of Music" song.
11. Who has played "Jazz Band Jubilee" this school year?
Our middle school band played that song this year.
12. Who wrote in a blog post, "You don't forgive people because you are weak, you forgive people because you are strong enough to know how to."
Helana Anzures wrote that quote.
13. Frederick is...?
Fredrick is Hannah Head's turtle.
14. Who wrote, "Make Your Words Come To Life With Vivid Description," on their blog?
Mrs. Anzures wrote that quote.
15. Who is Chancho?
Chanco is Gracen's pet llama.
16. Which band or artist pops up most on the 500 most popular albums and songs list?
The Beatles pop up the most.
17. What colors are the pentagram?
The pentagram is red green, blue and pink.
18. Who's going to cheerleading camp this summer?
Nobody is going to cheerleading camp this summer.
19. How many blogs have Justin Bieber playing on their playlist?
8 blogs have Justin Bieber on their playlist.
20. Pickles Gone Wild wants you to feed what?
Pickles Gone Wild wants you to feed her pig, Pinky.

Monday, May 3, 2010


On my blog, you see very random things. This is because I am a very random person! Well for this post, I've decided on one topic to talk to you about-- Girls, gossip, drama, and finding yourself. Girls typically have an urge to gossip, and start drama. It's natural! But don't let it get so far to where you start losing your friends. I am a middle school girl, and I know all of us girls want close friends, and to be excepted. Last year was very dramatic, and girls were mean. (If you went to our school last year, you know what I am talking about.) It's dumb! GIRLS-- BE NICE! Think about if we all got along, didn't gossip like we do, and spread lies. We could all have many close friends, and have someone there for us, which we all want. We all want to be loved!
One thing that is on my mind, that I can't stress enough, is BE YOURSELF! I know way too many girls who want to be exactly like the other girls at school, and the beautiful models in magazines. Find your own style, and own it! I think the problem we have as teenage girls is that we are so insecure with ourselves, that we tear down other girls and feel we have to be something that we are not. So let me tell you, stop being a "copy cat", and find yourself! People will love you for you, and love your friends for who they are. Don't feel like you have to be exactly like somebody else in order to be excepted. Let's stop being so jealous of each other!
Drama- Drama is stupid. As teenagers, we have to realize this is the fun years of our lives! We get to have lots of friends, and in a couple years we get to drive! Just think! College is right around the corner! Life is to be enjoyed, so let's not ruin it by starting stupid drama for no reason at all! Girls love drama, I know, but it's horrible, and messes up friendships and relationships! Let's be happy! So today, be the bigger person, go STOP THE DRAMA, give someone a hug, and smile! :)