Monday, May 3, 2010


On my blog, you see very random things. This is because I am a very random person! Well for this post, I've decided on one topic to talk to you about-- Girls, gossip, drama, and finding yourself. Girls typically have an urge to gossip, and start drama. It's natural! But don't let it get so far to where you start losing your friends. I am a middle school girl, and I know all of us girls want close friends, and to be excepted. Last year was very dramatic, and girls were mean. (If you went to our school last year, you know what I am talking about.) It's dumb! GIRLS-- BE NICE! Think about if we all got along, didn't gossip like we do, and spread lies. We could all have many close friends, and have someone there for us, which we all want. We all want to be loved!
One thing that is on my mind, that I can't stress enough, is BE YOURSELF! I know way too many girls who want to be exactly like the other girls at school, and the beautiful models in magazines. Find your own style, and own it! I think the problem we have as teenage girls is that we are so insecure with ourselves, that we tear down other girls and feel we have to be something that we are not. So let me tell you, stop being a "copy cat", and find yourself! People will love you for you, and love your friends for who they are. Don't feel like you have to be exactly like somebody else in order to be excepted. Let's stop being so jealous of each other!
Drama- Drama is stupid. As teenagers, we have to realize this is the fun years of our lives! We get to have lots of friends, and in a couple years we get to drive! Just think! College is right around the corner! Life is to be enjoyed, so let's not ruin it by starting stupid drama for no reason at all! Girls love drama, I know, but it's horrible, and messes up friendships and relationships! Let's be happy! So today, be the bigger person, go STOP THE DRAMA, give someone a hug, and smile! :)


  1. Omg katelyn this post is so true! Last year, ahh, sixth grade, what a year! Lol. Bye!


  2. Hey my dear, its Meagan! I love your blog, it's so Katelyn! haha:)
    I completely agree with what you said, but thank goodness this year is better! Love you girl!

  3. Miss lovely Katelynnn! I absolutely love you and your blog>>>Music is great too(:
    I really like what you said about finding yourself and your own style and owning it! I've had a problem with that but, I think I'm finally getting it right :)
    Keep it up hunny bunny!
    (Btw, this is Audrey haha)

  4. I love your blog it is so cute! love the miley picture lol it is so funny . and the dancing women!

  5. Katelyn! Your blog is so colorful and hippie! I love the background and the peace sign especially! It's G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!!
    -Mama Mia

  6. College is just around the corner?! What?! It's 5 years away! Don't zoom through it so fast that you don't enjoy all of the experiences of your youth! Your comments about drama are very true. It would be nice if each person could actually live by that, but it seems to routinely be difficult for people to step outside of themselves and truly live a more understanding and carefree lifestyle. It is definitely something for all of us to pray about! It is possible! It only takes one person to make a difference! Good job! Interesting choice of music...:P
    ~Mrs. A

  7. I love the old cassette tapes it is cool! This is Aaron.
